JASPER, Psiforged Psion [psychokinetic] 17
Neutral-Gender Medium Sized Living Construct [Warforged]
AC 21 [flat-footed 17, touch 19]; HP 134
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +15, Will +17
Initiative +4
Speed 30
Melee +8
Grapple +6
Ranged +12
Space/Reach 5/5
Special Abilities:
Construct Traits: Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, and energy drain; Cannot heal normally; Light fortification 25%; +2 armor bonus; No need to eat, breath, drink or sleep; susceptible to effects that target constructs .
Inherently Psionic: 1 extra PSP; Crystals in his body can store psionic power 1 + 1/2 character level.
STR 8, DEX 18 CON 20 INT 28 WIS 12 CHA 8
Skills: Appraise+10, Concentration+20, Craft [Sculpture]+12, Disable Device +19, Gather Information+2, Intimidate +19, Knowledge [Arcana] +14, Knowledge [Architecture] +10, Knowledge [Dungeoneering] +10, Knowledge [Geography] +10, Knowledge [History] +10, Knowledge [Local: Cyre] +10, Knowledge [Local: Sharn] +13, Knowledge [Nature] +10, Knowledge [Nobility] +10, Knowledge [Psionics] +10, Knowledge [Religion] +10, Knowledge [The Planes] +10, Psi-Craft +10, Listen +12, Search+14, Sense Motive +8, Spot+12
General Feats: Psionic Prodigy, Alertness, Psionic Meditation, Expanded Knowledge [Psionic Repair Damage], Expand Knowledge [Clairtangent Hand], Expanded Knowledge [Mind Probe]
Psionic Feats: Empower Power, Widen Power, Privileged Energy [Electricity], Expanded Knowledge [Mend Wounds]
Equipment and Possessions: Gloves of Dexterity +6, Headband of Intellect +6, Cloak of Resistance +5, Amulet of Constitution +6, Stone of Good Luck, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Ring of Protection +5, Portable Hole.
PSP: 336 + 9
Psionic Powers
DC 29 Cost 17 Implosion
DC 28 Cost 15 Greater Teleport, Telekinetic Sphere
DC 27 Cost 13 Mind Blank Personal, Moment of Prescience, Decerebrate
DC 26 Cost 11 Disintegrate, Overland Flight, Ethereal Abduction
DC 25 Cost 9 ClairTangent Hand, Energy Current, Greater Stomp, Plane Shift, Mind Probe, Mend Wounds
DC 24 Cost 7 Control Body, Energy Ball, Telekinetic Maneuver, Energy Adaptation
DC 23 Cost 5 Telekinetic Force, Telekinetic Thrust, Touch Sight, Energy Cone, Dispel Psionics, Glyph of Warding
DC 22 Cost 3 Psionic Repair Damage, Knock, Energy Missile, Tongues, Thought Shield
DC 21 Cost 1 Control Flames, Inertial Armor, Control Object, Far Hand, Force Screen