The World of Eberron
What sort of adventures do they like? Mysteries? Hack-n-slash? Which characters are Dragon-marked? What houses do they belong to? Do they understand their roles?
Character Creation
The Player Characters will be created at 4th level, and begin the adventure in Cyre, through flashback. Then the campaign will flash-forward to “present” day and continue at 17th level.
Using the DM’s guideline for high-powered campaign, the characters will be built on a 32-point buy system for stats.
Action Points
The player characters will all begin at 4th level with 7 Action Points to be used for the entire level. These points do not refresh at the start of each session, and any Action Points that are not spent before advancing a level are lost. At 4th level, the PCs may roll 1d6 per action point, with the possibility of an option for exploding die.
At 17th level, the characters will all have a fresh supply of 13 Action Points to be used for the entire span of that level. At 17th level, the PCs may roll 3d6 per action point, taking the single best result and ignoring the rest, with the possibility of an option for exploding die.
Character Wealth
The baseline campaign for the D&D game uses this “wealth by level” guideline found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (pg. 135). As per the guidelines found in that same tome, no single item can cost more than ¼ of the total wealth allowed for their level.
At 4th level, the PCs each have a wealth equal to 5,500 gp worth of equipment, armor, weapons and other treasure combined. The maximum single item cost is 1,400 gp.
At 17th level, the PCs each have a wealth equal to 350,000 gp worth of equipment, armor, weapons and other treasure combined. The maximum single item cost is 88,000 gp.
Campaign Conceits
The characters are all familiar with the area of the Mournlands, formerly known as Cyre. The characters are encouraged to originate from that country, or be in service to that nation at the start of play (4th level). Members of House Phiarlan (though primarily elves), citizens of Metrol, former worshippers of the Sovereign Host at the great Cathedral on the Hill, craftsmen and nobles of House Cannith (Dragonmarked humans) still loyal to Baron Merrix, nobles still allied to the rightful heir Prince Oargev of New Cyre – all are possible options for character backgrounds.
After the great cataclysm that was the Day of Mourning, the players all agreed to meet in the city of Sharn 4 years to the day after that terrible event. The time has come for the players to share what they have learned over the years of searching and questioning and now they must begin to put the pieces back together to regain their homeland.
The characters should have some degree of loyalty, if not to Cyre as a nation, then to each other as brothers-in-arms and former soldiers. Perhaps as fellow members of House Deneith under the Mark of Sentinel…
New Feats
The following new feats have been created or adapted specifically for this campaign. Players are encouraged to use their creativity when selecting feats, but please remember that this is a group effort and to please ask the GM if there is any doubt—or if there isn’t any doubt.
Psionic Prodigy [New Feat, General]
You have an exceptional gift for magic.
Benefit: For the purpose of determining psionic power points, treat your primary psionic ability score (Charisma for wilders, Wisdom for psychic warriors, and Intelligence for psions) as 2 points higher than its actual value. If you have more than one psionic class, the bonus applies to only one of those classes.
Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character. If you take this feat more than once (for example, if you are human or another type of creature that gets more than one feat at 1st level), it applies to a different psionic class each time. You can take this feat even if you don’t have any psionic classes yet, as it represents a potential for psionic aptitude.